You know what really grinds my gears? The stupid number debate. I was minding my business in twitterville as usual when ran into exhibit A: Womens Number. I would like to think this is an extreme and ofcourse incorrect depiction of the meaning of the magic number. I am probably wrong though, there are some men who truly think this is true.
In my opinion this is stupid. Yes it is. First of all, there are other qualities that make someone a good wife, or gf or significant other. You cannot make this decision based only on a number. You do not know her background, unless she told you she is a prostitute her numbers alone don't make her one.
Secondly, there are several exceptions to these foolish rules. What if Ms. D is a virgin, but has engaged in oral sex with several males lets say 10 is she still excellent? What if Ms. D has slept with 3 guys at the same time or who are all friends, or from the same fraternity or chapter, is she still very good? What if Ms. D was rapped and as a result she has developed a sexual addiction and has a 12, is she still dirty?
Thirdly, it appears that every time a female shares her number there is some elaborate equation of the percentage that should be added onto that number because allegedly they never give their real number. So, riddle me this, if you as a man already think a female is going to lie about her number why do you even ask? No one is asking you for your number. This crap really angers me. These are the reason why I dont share my number, no matter how small it is. Because either way men are not happy. I have been told that yall (men) do not want to think about another man smaging your gf or wife but unless you are her *first everything* someone been there and done that. GET OVER IT.
The funny thing about this number debate, is that men who stress this whole number thing usually end up with women with high numbers and dont even know it or learn to see past this bull. LMAOOO @ you foolish nuccas!
Thats all for now! Share your thoughts and thank you for reading!