A few years back, I got the opportunity to see the play Platanos and Collard Greens, which exposes the ongoing feud between blacks and Latinos in the context of interracial relationships. I must say I never truly experienced this type of racism mainly because at first glance people think I am black. More importantly due to my dark skin complexion I can easily navigate both worlds and be easily accepted. I have dated a lot of African American men (it seems to be my preference) and I often hear phrases like "Oh, I didn't know your girl was Spanish, well at least she is black" or "You are not really in a interracial relationship because you look black." However, interracial relationships is not the only battle field between blacks and Latinos. In this recession Latinos mainly illegal immigrants are being accused of stealing jobs from African Americans, which has led them to be unemployed.
Now, lets keep it real unfortunately the majority of the jobs done by illegal immigrants are not the type of jobs done by African Americans. I am yet to meet an African American who mows grass for $5 p/h or works in agriculture making $5p/h sometimes even less. Often as a result of their illegal status immigrants, which comes from all over the world are forced to take those types jobs in their quest for the SueƱo Americano (American Dream). Their intent is not to come to America to deprive others of their rightful jobs, far from it. All these immigrants want to do is save money, take care of their families back "home" and one day go back to give them a better future. Although there are a lot of illegal immigrants in this country, there also an equal amount of legal immigrants whom like myself pay taxes and do things the "right way".
A few days ago, I was ridding the bus on my way to work, and as the bus driver pulled up to the next top everyone ran over to try to get in line to secure a place in the already crowded vehicle. (If you are not from NYC and have no idea what riding the MTA is like, here is a brief description. You pay your fare, get inside and mind your business. If it happens to be rush hours forget about sitting down, and prepare to be bumped, pushed and stepped on by passengers who want to get to their destination because the bus is always crowded.) With that being said the bus driver (who happens to be a Latino) opened the doors and allowed everyone to come inside, suddenly I hear an African Woman yell "You illegal little b*tch, don't you dare challenge me". At this point I looked over to see who she was talking to, and I saw a little girl who couldn't be older than 8 years of age. I was in shock, because the woman was yelling at her and calling her names and cursing every Spanish person on that bus, because the little girl bumped her on her way in. The anger in that woman's voice was indescribable and it really made me think about the "Blacks vs Browns" battles everyone talks about but I had yet to experience. However do we really have to battle each other instead of helping one another?
Please post your thoughts on this issue and any stories you might have! I am extremely interested on what everyone has to say about this topic!