Its been a while since I've dropped some lines around here! I am going to really try to stick it out guys, I promise!
The last blog post spoke about my weight loss journey since I moved back to the USA. It hasn't been easy but it has definitely been rewarding. Here are some updates!
Since I started grad school (fall 2012) the fitness journey became a little more complicated. Being both a fulltime student and employee I've had to make some sacrifices, but working-out is NOT one of them! So what if I dont have a social life? that's not important!
How Have I Done It?
There are five priorities in my life, my job, school, church, my health and my loved ones (not in that order). Although I am really busy, identifying my priorities has made it easier to live my day to day. Once I had my top five life simple adjusted itself around those things. Making time for what's important has become a lot easier and simpler. In effort to stay healthy I decided to join the YMCA. In my last post I spoke about why I didn't believe in joining a gym, but I had to give in! It was the only way I could stay fit in the winter. I really enjoy the YMCA. Besides the fact that it is only a 10 minutes walk from my job, it is definitely worth the price. These last few weeks I've been taking the classes and I really enjoy them. The spinning class was definitely challenging in the beginning but by the third class I was good to go. I take classes in the morning from 7 - 8am. I live about 30 minutes from the gym so I usually get up by 6am the latest. If you do not have time to workout you have to CREATE time! Find a gym that opens early or closes late and make it work for your schedule!

There are many benefits to working out, besides the obvious. For me, the gym is the place where I go release the day to day stress from work, school and everything in between. While it would be nice to have a gym buddy, you have to feel comfortable going to the gym alone. If you becoming dependent on your workout buddy then they will control your workout schedule. The most important part of staying fit is taking control! Do not give someone else the power to change your life!
I've been running for a few years now but I've never done it to compete. This year a friend of mine has inspired me to start competing and I really enjoy it. There is something very exciting about getting to the finish line. I completed my first race March 16th, it was a 10K in riverside in New York City. I finish under an hour which was extremely rewarding because in mt practice round I finished in 1 hour and 10 minutes. I have signed up for two more races for the month of April, one is April 21th and the other is April 28th! Both were great! And now I am registered for 2 runs in July, one is July 13th and the other is July 27th I am very excited and have been training (look out for my training plan next week).
How can you get started in your fitness journey?
I am glad you asked! A month ago I started my own fitness group to help individuals like you and I achieve their weight loss goals. Being healthy is not only about being lossing weight, it is about keeping the weight off in a healthy and sustainable way. iAmHealthyFit hosts bootcamp sessions for all levels and ages in both Harlem and the Bronx. Please be on the lookout for progress pics from our awesome team and ideas for workouts, healthy meals and everything in between! If you would like to join the iAmHealthyFit Family please follow us on ig:@iamhealthyfit and send us an email at iamhealthyfit.iahf@gmail.com to help you get started!