Many reviews attack Perry's work for contributing to the destruction of the image of the BlackMan. It is no secret that we live in a society, where the BlackMan is depicted as a sociological menace, lacking the ability to prosper and uplift himself and his people. At the same time, there seems to be this notion of dependency between blackmen and blackwomen. Which argues that it is not the blackman that holds the weight or foundation of the family, instead, given the lack of good blackmen, women have taken on this role. I wont address the level of truth of that statement however, I do believe that society has a moral obligation to uplift the blackman. Over 200 years of slavery, segregation, discrimination, and racial destruction hinders the prosperity of the blackman, and yet, he is strong enough to fight through such adversity and make it to another day.
So, to all my Blackmen, this note is for you........

You have risen from the ashes like a phoenix (#NoKanye).
You have built a nation and surpassed all expectations.
Under the bludgeoning of chance, your hard-work, determination and kind heart has persevered. Your beauty is unimaginable, and your love conquers all. You overcome at the face of adversity, and stand strong for your beliefs. Your smile, brightens the gloomiest kind of day. Your passion, is so amazing, leaving me speechless. Your love, loyalty, respect are all unconditional to those who are deserving. You are a son, a brother, a father, and a king. I love you, I appreciate you, and I thank you.
I really like it. I like it a lot. It truly is a struggle that blackmen put to the back of their minds. We love you too. lol
Thank you love! I feel that sometimes we get too comfortable and forget about some of the most pressing issues at hand. Everyone deserves to be appreciated! :-) Especially The BlackMan!
Thank you love for posting this. Positive messages are few and often come in defense against members of other races. Ironically those same people often contribute to the defacing of black men when it comes to within our race. As a result many of us have to turn inward to motivate ourselves, so its refreshing to read this.
Truly appreciate Queen.
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