Friday, December 24, 2010

To cook or not to cook? That is the question.

I have said this over and over again, I am the most non-traditional girl with the most traditional girl tendencies. I love my independence but understand the reality behind gender roles (it is what it is, lets get over it). With that being said I have one question, why don’t more females cook? It seems to be that as we embrace the triumphs women have made through out history we have forgotten some of our fundamental responsibilities like cooking. As a Latina (yes I am Spanish), there seems to be this stereotype that we are raised to take care of the men of our families and become wives and mothers (this is true for most of us). If many cases we become mothers before we ever become wives, and chances are the wives part rarely happens. However, Latina women are also known for spoiling their husbands and children when it comes to food. Personally I have cannot even remember when I started cooking. Always found a reason to be in the kitchen helping my aunts (except when it came to washing dishes, I hate washing dishes). In any case I learned to enjoy and love cooking and naturally became really good at it (those that have tasted my cooking always ask for more, I have my references).

When I began dating, I quickly realized I wasn’t into Spanish guys. I don’t know why, or what it was about them, but I just wasn’t feeling them like that. In no time I realized that indeed I was a ni**a lover. As I dated these African American men they constantly complemented me on my cooking abilities and asked me why more girls didn't cook? Ofcouse this was new to me, after all in my household girls cooking was the norm so I couldn't understand why there were females out there that simply did not do it. A particular individual sat me down and told me that, most foreign girls cook, but most African American girls did not want to come nowhere near the kitchen. Again, another big surprise, because the majority of my African American friends knew how to cook, and although it was not their idea of a relaxing time, they did not refuse to do it.

So I started asking my female friends and acquaintances what was their deal with the cocina? I refused to believe it was a racial issue so I asked women without caring for their racial background. I found two main reasons.

2 Main Theories why women do not cook.
  1. Independence Theory: Some women feel that they are too independent to have to cook. Women have come so far in society, and being bound to the kitchen is retroactive do the progress at hand.
I have a major issue with this theory because I feel that independence is often used as a scapegoat to justify not taking care of home. So you can’t cook because you are independent but you want Tyrone to hold the doors for you and pick up they check. Then we wonder why there is a lack of chivalry...I have no problem with independence, as a matter a fact I embrace it. I am all about having my own and holding my own weight, but I do not think traditional tasks like cooking take away from my independence. Understand that we are women, as result we will at some point become wives and mothers to a family. As future matriarchs we are expected to be take care of our homes and handle business, cooking is definitely one of them, after all what is your independent a** eating anyways?
  1. I Don't know how to cook Theory: Some women simple were never learned how to move around in the kitchen. As a result they are using this excuse to justify why they are ordering take-out on a daily basis or crashing their homegirls house because she always got that good food.
I can't believe women are still using this as an excuse to not cook. I can name at-least 100 things that you LEARNED how to do. Why isn't cooking one of them? I always wondered what are these women eating? So when you finally have your kids what are you going to do? Are you going to be in McDonalds having breakfast, lunch and dinner contributing to the high obesity rate? With all the technology and cooking shows on tv it is unacceptable to say you do not know how to do anything. Next time after your fav sitcom is over, I suggest you tune in to the cooking channel. #YouAreWelcome

Cooking for a man shouldn’t be an special act that only occurs on birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions. You would be surprised, how cooking amongst other things will help you get what you want (#amjustsaying). I am not saying that you should be cooking for everyone all willinillie but if you do there is nothing wrong for that. However, if you meet someone and that person is worthy of your pumpum, which means they can potentially father your children (just think about it) why aren’t they worthy of your cooking? If this person takes care of you, and is there for you, why are you being selfish and not taking care of your business in the kitchen #youfancyhuh? I encourage to bring him into the kitchen, and have him “help” even if it just to taste it. Ladies cut this out, and for those of you saying, “He better know how to cook then,” how can you ask for something you cannot provide?

Am I alone on this one? Fellas is cooking important to you? Ladies, what are your thoughts? Is cooking correlated with racial background? Share a line and leave your comments.

Friday, December 17, 2010

How to lose 20 pounds and Keep them OFF.

One of the best feelings is realizing you have lost weight and look absolutely fabulous. I remember the day I realized I lost 10+ pounds. I had just gotten out the shower and was getting ready to head out, I looked at my body on the mirror and realized I looked thinner. Then I pulled out my fave pair of skinny jeans (Yall know which one am talking about, the one that you have been saving for when you lost those extra pounds, because you simply could not let go. Yes, that one) and to my surprise it fit a lil big. I did not know what to do with myself, I kept of admiring my body thinking to myself, "Girl, you look great!." After 20 minutes of much needed self love, I decided to get dressed and actually head out. A few days later I got on the scale to see how much weight I lost (I was thinking about 15pounds) and was thrilled to learn I had lost 22pounds.

So, how did I lose those unwanted 22pounds? For starters, I didnt even know I needed to lose 22 pounds or in the words of my bff, that I had 22 pounds to lose. My cousin convinced to start competing in the body fitness category of body building and gave me a few tasks. First, she told to cut some things out my diet. It doesn't matter how much you workout, the faster way to see results is by having a balanced diet.

Here are some of my new do's and don'ts.
  • Fruits (I usually have one for breakfast every morning, and as a snack I love green apples and mandarines).
  • If you have a specific type of food you simply cannot stop eating, find healthier ways to cook it. (for example, I love sweet plantains, now instead of frying them, I boil them. Is not the same but I am satisfied.)
  • Try healthier meals. If you like to eat fish, or seafood try grilling, and steaming. Both methods are healthier and in some cases faster.
  • Try not to eat out often. Sometimes when we eat out, we venture into foods we should stay away from, the best thing to do is treat yourself once in a while.
  • No rice, no fried foods, no sodas, and little to no juice. (I really keep these things to a minimum, they have a lot of calories and should be eaten in moderation. I do drink juice but water is my first choice.)
  • It is important that you eat three times a day and have your snacks in between. Keep your metabolism busy with smaller portions.
  • Alcohol (I am a social drinker and some days I feel like I need a drink to unwind. However, I limit myself to a glass of wine or two a week. I stay away from mixed drinks and hard liquor.)
  • Run. I did not start running until my last year in college. Once I got to Honduras I found out I was doing it wrong (who would have thought there was a proper way to run? yea me either). I started running on the tracks by my house, and at first I could only handle running one lap and walking the next. Now, I can run 12 laps non-stop on the 8th lane which is roughly about 4 miles. I really try to do this a minimum of 3 times a week, some weeks are better than others but this has been a major part of my weight loss.
  • I also have a workout routine, that doesn't require a gym. All I use are a set of 10 pounds weights, some stairs and a chair (let me know if you want me to share it with you.)
These are some of the key elements of my weight loss. The best way to keep the way off is to maintain your routine. Once you change your diet, your body will demand that you eat healthier, and maintain the changes. Do not stop working out, and dieting. Loosing weight and keeping it off, requires that you change your lifestyle. If I can do it, you can do it. Please post comments and suggestions!