Since I started my new life in Honduras, I have done a great job at staying busy and not getting too *America"Home"Sick*. However, some days like this, I desperately miss my friends and maybe something else. I am blessed to have a job, be with my family and go through this wonderful experience. Yet, sometimes I wished I had some of the people I love and really enjoy with me. I have caught up with my childhood loves and have went out a few times. After spending my work week running around after my first graders, I use my weekends not only to rest but to appreciate the alone time I desperately need during the week. I have been to a party here and there, and met no one of interest. Is not that I am looking to meet guys, but I do think that maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea. In any case I am not meeting them. The other day I was talking to a friend about this, because he seems to think I should be on my Stella flow getting my groove back. (Yea deft not LOL.) After giving him a brief synopsis of what I am looking for, he came to the conclusion that I am too picky (he was the second person to say that) and I have a complex of superiority.
I kind of believe him. I wont lie, I do believe most of these guys are not on my level and are not worth my time. Those that could be good potentials have children, and or situations that I rather stay away from. I refuse to settle for something that I know I do not want. I know my self worth and the person that I choose to be with must be up to par. I refuse to believe that I won't find "My Future Husband" in this whole wide world. I know that the person that checks all the boxes of "my list" exists and is only a matter of time before we either find each other, or for us to realize we are meant for one another. My friend also seems to think I am too career oriented. I do not think this is a bad thing. I feel that if I want to be with someone, that person needs to know, I am about business, I am ambitious about my goals, and I am determined to succeed. Although I put these things first it doesn't mean I don't want to be loved. I would think my significant other would appreciate my drive and see how that can positively impact our relationship as a couple and our goals as individuals.
Nevertheless, spending all this alone time has made me more appreciative of the little things in life, in regards to the male specie, here is my top 5.
1. I miss having a significant other (SO) around. Never thought I would say that, but I do. And I am not exclusively talking about the knocking of the boots either (I will get to that). I am talking about knowing that there is someone who comes to visit and genuinely wants to be around me and enjoy my company.
2. I miss cooking for my SO. I love to cook, is one of my favorite things to do. The one thing I love more than cooking is watching my SO enjoy my meal. I know there are a lot of girls who dont cook for their SO, some because they want to move away from the traditional, others because they don't know how, and some because they simple do not feel like it. I would never comprehend, but I dont have to. I do it and thats all that matter (BlogPost Coming Soon).
3. I miss being held. This is a bit out of my character. I am not the cuddling type, but I do miss being held. Sometimes after a long day of dealing with these crazy parents, I just want to come home to the arms of my SO and feel safe, and comforted. I truly miss that feeling.
4. I miss going on dates. Believe it or not, I am a simple girl (lol). I enjoy being at home and relaxing. On some occasions, I like doing random stuff. Dates are the best way to explore new and old interests, selflessly with someone else. I am the queen of spontaneity and have always found that going on random dates or lil adventures always make for great memories.
5. Best for last! I miss that good loving. There is nothing like getting my back blown, having some good food and going to sleep. My idea of a perfect date! This has got to be the #1 thing I miss. Sex with the right person, is fun, exciting, selfless, liberating, and hard to find. Once you have it, going through life without is the biggest loss ever. More importantly, understand that although sex with anyone can be cool, having the person you want is what makes the difference.
In any case, I would like to think I am not the heartless-self-absorb-workaholic maniac, some people think I am (If I am put a sock in it, maybe you should try it). I have goals, dreams, and I plan on accomplishing as many of them as possible. I love life and am humbled by the lord's many blessings and in the end of it all I just wanna be loved. Tell me if you feel me? Have your ever felt this? If so, how did you deal with it!
Love Always,
Ms. Dulce De Leche